Meet Pole Vault Mall

Pole Vault Mall is dedicated to being the #1 place to shop for everything pole vault. Gear for athletes, books for coaches, and equipment for athletic directors.

How do you make sure you're getting the best quality and how do you find the best deals?

That's why we're here! To bring you the highest quality items & best deals in one convenient shopping experience.

  • Jacob Sanders

    Created Pole Vault Mall to help make it easier for the pole vault community to find what they need. Has coached pole vault for roughly a decade and founded the club Sandstorm Vault in 2018.

  • Cameron Rucker

    Handles Sales at Pole Vault Mall. Recent high school graduate, loves pole vault and ready to help you get a deal! Cameron won the MD HS state championship and competed at new balance nationals with a PR of 14'10. Email Cameron